We need to suppress our impulse to patronize the rest of the living world as inferior to ourselves and to stop torturing and murdering them. Other animals are not lesser beings and are neither voiceless nor stupid. Let us learn to respect other animals by perceiving them justly.
quote from KAREN DAVIS (United Poultry Concerns)

Quotes from the past 2500 years about the treatment of animals.
. . . . . . . . Click here for the QUOTES

Shaun Monson chronicles the day-to-day practices of industries that rely on animals for profit.
. . . . . . . Click here to watch EARTHLINGS

One woman's search to uncover the truth put her life on a course she never expected.
. . . . . . . Click here to view WHAT EMILY SAW

Eddie Lama explains how he feared and avoided animals for most of his life, until the love of a kitten opened his heart.
. . . . . . . . Click here to watch Eddie's story THE WITNESS

The "Mercy For Animals" organization created this 3.5min thought provoking video titled "MY STORY."
. . . . . . . Click here to watch MY STORY

Here Are More Short Videos From Mercy For Animals
. . . . . . . Click Here To watch